Mars to Stay: T-29

Mars to Stay is a story game about pursuing the almost impossible dream of building humanity’s first colony on Mars. It is also about making hard choices that define who you are. Originally designed for Fastaval 2017, I picked the game out of the drawer last year and decided to do an edition for online play. Work on Mars to Stay is progressing well:

The fourth playtest is in progress with second session scheduled for later this week. So far I’m very happy with the play experience the game offers and how players take the story seeds I’ve put in and make it their story. I’m down to testing small tweaks. The theme of the game is really enforced by the online format.

Claudia Cangini is putting the finishing touches on the new illustrations and they look awesome.

About to board Hermes who will take you to Mars. Illustration: Claudia Cangini. Copyright 2021.

So far I’ve only seen the new edition played with four players, however, and I would like to test Mars to Stay with 3 and 5 players as well. So if you are up for a trip to Mars, get in touch, and I’ll invite you when I set up the next playtest. If you can get a group of 3-5 players together, you are also welcome to run a playtest of your own.


Montsegur 1244 online

With a little short noice I jumped on an opportunity to run Montsegur 1244 online. Montsegur 1244 is a story game about the Cathars that at the end of a siege in 1244 chose to burn for their belief rather than repent before the inquisition. The game premiered at Fastaval 2008. I managed to get a pretty solid online edition ready and had a great run this weekend. It’s been a while since I’ve played it last time, and it was great to see that it still works and new players take to the theme, story, and rules easily.

The online edition of Montsegur 1244 also needs more playtesting. So if you are into historical drama and have some time on your hands, you are very welcome to take Montsegur 1244 for a spin.
