Yorkshire Coding Assistant

We got a new member of the family: A Yorkshire terrier. Kids have been asking for a pet for a long while, I refused due to our long drives to Denmark. With the summer house sold and with me having extra time at home while looking for a next job, I decided now was a good time to make it happen. I feel my kids are ready for it and my wife and I have matured on the idea for a while.

Sebe the Yorkshire terrier, 10 weeks old.

I browsed Blocket (a Swedish service for private sales) and found a possible match. There are many excuses for not doing something. It is too large, too small. It is too young, too old. Perfect is the enemy of good. So I picked one that was close enough in specifications, contacted the seller and agreed on a time. 

This Saturday my son and I drove to Lönneberga. I prepared the family that we might return without a dog. But things worked out well. So now we have a ten weeks old Yorkshire terrier in our house. Given its origin, we considered to name it Emil. In the end my daughter chose the name: 'Sebe' (or 'Seppe' in English). 

We had a dog at home when I grew up. So I know and remember how to raise a dog. Giving praise and treats. Scolding when behaviour is out of bounds. The importance of timing. Lots of walks to the nearest lamp post. An investment hopefully paying off for many years to come.

So far it works very well. Our kids have extra motivation to get up in the morning. We spend time together playing with and taking care of the puppy. Less time on screens. Most of the time it is just very comfortable to lay on the couch with a puppy.